Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nov4 Grates

1) Hands. Very useful, they are. Open things, I can. Execute my creative dreams, I need (them...to. er?). To paint, to sew, to fix, to feel my kids soft skin, to run through the hair of those you love, to communicate... go on, I could. Spare you more yoda, I will.
2) Voting. Our country is the shizzle. I hope you used your voice today.
3) Sunshine. Joined some friends at the park today and it was be-yootiful. Nice and cool but warm sun on your arms and shoulders. Ahhhh. I'm telling you my friends, the desert is not that bad, eh?
4) Water. It's so accessible to us. We are very, very blessed for this convenience. Don't waste it.
5) Telephones!

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