Saturday, November 10, 2007

You Shouldn't Have

In the spirit of Thanksgiving this month, as you know, I am encouraging myself to notice wonderful blessings throughout my day.
Well, this also has a dark side. I was laughing with my sister the other night because it has also sharpened the things that really BUG me. Like lame drivers and rude people (to name a few).
I am not thankful for those things.
It has also made me notice things I really LIKE right now. Material things, frivolous things, shallow things. Ha!
But is this the month to dwell on those? Goodness, no.
That is what Christmas is for!
"I want this and this bugs me and bah humbug!"
So it's the weekend and I am abusing my guidelines a little to share with you two things that I want, because I am thankful for gifts!
Anthropologie had some pillows like this earlier this year and I fell in love with the design. I was bugged by the price yet so thankful for the idea. But I can't do it myself because I don't have a fancy embroidery machine (or a stash of mid-century home renderings). That bugs.
So if anyone wants to get me a cool sewing machine, I would be so thankful because I really want one. Wouldn't that be great to draw anything I want and have it sewn!? If you give me one, I'll embroider your own pillow case for you to say 'Thanks'.
And if you are cheap and settle for the pillow, I would be thankful for that, too.
My new sewing machine would also assist me in sewing these nifty felt containers that I want.
How great are these? And "sew" easy to make! Or you could pay $60 a pop (I know! ridiculous, right!?) Great design. They won't scratch my kids shelves getting pulled out/pushed in over and over & they are quiet for when the kids use them as hats or drums (that can get very loud and it bugs, too). I am thankful for good products like these.

1 comment:

Jewels said...

I want to come visit you because I am thankful for you, but it bugs that you live so far away. But all is not lost, I am thankful that you are coming to see me because I want to play with you but we also have to run a few miles the day after Thanksgiving...and that bugs.