Saturday, November 10, 2007

Saturday Thanks

I know, I probably could have shirked on my duty for today since I already posted. But I will hold true to my promise and post my five today. Lucky you!
Five things I was thankful for today:
1) Painting fingernails with Sadie. What is it about daughters that makes this pastime such a sweet thing? I also love her cute little hands. There is something so adorable about seeing those teensy tiny pink fingernails and how fascinating it is for her to watch me do all the work. And then I said, "Yoo wan pedicur?"
2) Fingernail polish REMOVER.
3) Enjoying good company with friends (and Golden Spoon- Hello? Pumpkin???)
4) Luke allowing me to smother him with kisses. He receives love for two boys (Jacob probably got the lucky end on that one) and I am so glad he'll let me tickle, kiss, squeeze and pinch him throughout the day. He is just so cute so I am getting in all I can before he tells me that I'm gross.
5) Scott's patience with me. I had some grumpy days this week and he tried to help, tolerated and allowed my mood to pass without reacting to my flat comments. Ah- twue wove. (To Blave?)

1 comment:

Jewels said...

Ahh, I love you. #2?? HILARIOUS - I was laughing my head off. And #4...tender. "...and we all know that to blave means to bluff! So he was playing cards, and he cheated!"