Saturday, November 17, 2007


Thursday night was our Holiday Girl Next Door show.
It was a great success. We always have such cool merchandise made by amazingly talented people.

I appreciate these women who contribute their talent because they try new things and explore new media so it's a surprise, even to each other, what we'll be bringing to the next show six months later. And that was one of the perks of starting the show: Us creative wacko's who keep trying new projects now have an outlet to share those items with others who might be interested (since, you know, no one really needs 22 handmade felt pillows).
Even though days before we are cramming to make products (despite our good intentions to begin making items earlier) it's great fun. We love to have an excuse to get together and share our interests, buy each others things and catch up on the previous months.

We also couldn't do it without the awesome support of our friends and loyal customers.
Come to think of it, I hope they aren't buying our things as a charitable act.
People will be there ON TIME, if not sneaking in early, to snag the good stuff first. Half of what you see was gone in the first 45 minutes.
It's just awesome to see something you create be appealing to others. So a big thanks from me to you! Us artists need the creative justification. :)

Now I have to get busy for the Spring Show!

Now that the show is done, my mind must focus on the Holidays ahead. I am really trying to be organized and have a nice list of who we have in each family for gifts, each others gifts, getting Christmas cards made (Target has some pretty good ones this year and I may have to cheat from making my own!), etc. Lots to do! Alas, it will all get done. Must focus on the holiday at hand. Thanksgiving!... and keep that spirit with me for a few more days before I stress myself out.

My five Thankfuls today are:
1) My sister. Words cannot express. I love her to death.
2) Looking forward to spending time with family. What a nice feeling!
3) Having Girl Next Door done and being able to restore my office/craft room back to a functional area - no more work in a disaster zone.
4) Hot butter popcorn with Milk Duds mixed in (Darn you, Jen). It's a great movie treat.
5) Laundry machines. Must I elaborate on their greatness? I didn't think so.


Jewels said...

SHUT UP! Look at all those crafty good! Dangit, I'm going to have to get out there for the Spring show...better start saving now.

anna said...

um HELLO! i want to be invited to this next time!! and were those barrets FELT? are you freakkkking kidding me?