Monday, November 19, 2007

Midnight Madness

Oy! It's Midnight but I will not shirk my goal!
I had all these great things I was thankful for today, but I will have to elaborate on them later (Lucky you).
Here are mine for the day:
1) The power of our agency- Isn't it amazing how much our mind can inhibit us from enjoying life? Your perspective, attitude, reactions, and behavior can be the difference between joy and misery.
2) Repentance and Forgiveness- Not in the gloomy way, but in the hopeful way. Even little things we regret saying or feeling toward someone can be remedied. Healed! I think one of the worse feelings is regret. It's truly a blessing that we can change that sometimes... to be able to ACT. I am so thankful for that. *
3) My kids enthusiasm to see me when I've been away - even if it's something small like going to get the mail.
4) Hearing good talks at church- subjects that feed your soul and stir you to commit to be better*
5) Mr. Clean Eraser pads and their magical power to remove sharpie from my desk (Thanks to Luke)

*Can you tell I really responded to what I heard at church today? It was great.

1 comment:

Jewels said...

You worded your thanks so well - I have wanted to post about forgiveness and agency, but I wasn't sure how I would work it correctly. Yep - copying that. Can't wait to see you!!