Friday, September 21, 2007

Windy lemons? Make Kite Lemonade

The other day it was really windy. These are not uncommon days to where we live.
It is, for the most part, a very annoying habit of the desert.
I grew up in Utah where our sad tales of childhood include walking to school in the snow; having it all crusted to your pants and making your socks wet. Well, Scott's tales consist of walking to school in the wind, with sand blowing in his eyes and getting in his clothes, the occasional tumbleweed thrust in his face...
But there is one good thing about the wind. You can fly kites!
So the other day I went to the park with Sadie & Luke. I was a little unsure of how I would actually get the kite UP. But thanks to the relentless wind, it jolted up without a problem. They each took turns holding the string and thought it was dandy. Then, after 10 minutes, they were bored. And like moths to the flame... the playground equipment was calling their name. So down came our fish kite and they got all dirty instead. I think that was bound to happen since I finally gave them baths that morning.
Anyway, we had fun.

The slide was saying, "Luuuuuuuuuuke.... Luuuuuuke... come.. come!!"

Climbing UP the slide and falling down on your face makes for good times.


Jewels said...

I gave Cache a bath this morning and by 5:00pm, he could have used another one. I should go get a kite for Cache, he would love it!

Emily said...

You such a good mom, a lot more fun than I am. My kids couldn't tell you the last time I took them to the park.

Andrea said...

My kids don't have mysterious pets, Emily. I think you are a way more fun Mom. :)