Friday, January 23, 2009

Deep in Duck

Last weekend we decided to head up to Duck Creek. Scott's family has a cabin up there and we don't take advantage of it much, but with all the snow UT saw in the past weeks we thought it would be fun. You know, couple of days in the mountains, relaxing, cooking yummy things, watching movies, etc.....Well, we arrived in the dark to discover that the driveway was not plowed since the last storm. This was not good because there was about 4+ feet on the ground. So getting the kids from the car to the cabin over 100 feet away in soft snow was not super duper fun. The best was when I took a step, sunk deep and my shin made firm contact with a submerged branch. But we made it! Once inside the fortress we got the kids in blankets, a movie on and I got the fire going. **Brief subject detour--- I forgot how much I love making fires. Not in a pyro way, but in a game way! One match, not much kindling, nice soft blows to hear that wood crack...loved it. Nerdy, whatevs. Soot on your face is so now. Okay... back to the weekend** Even though our arrival had some bumps, I was still enjoying myself. It was cool up there in the dark and getting things all settled. Scott and I unloaded the car and while he worked on excavating the snowmobiles from the garage, my job was to move the car to a vacant, plowed driveway. I stood there by the car for a minute in the dark staring up at the many stars in the void silence... so incredible! And with that positive spirit, I put the car in reverse and got it nicely stuck in a snow bank. Lovely. So those stars kept me company as I dug out the car for the next 30 minutes. :-) Finally rescued the car and got it parked. The next day our friends joined us and we went sledding on the street in front. Turns out that the hill which assisted in coasting my car to a bank was also fabulously snow packed for super sledding fun. The weather was wonderfully warm and bright so we stayed out there for a while.
The rest of the day we hung out inside, played games with kids, had long conversations and relaxed. Sunday morning we did a little more with the snowmobiles and even towed the kids around on a sled through the neighborhood. A short but fun weekend was had by all.
Next time we're bringing the snowshoes for sure.
(And obviously you can tell in the pic that my trail running shoes do not a snow boot make. Do you think I wore out Sadie with my mad sled skillz?)


Jewels said...

That picture is hilarious - she is totally passed out! This makes me want to go sledding...

anna said...

i LOVE snow. those pictures make me want to drink some hot tea. we will be in utah next month for keith's wedding. staying in midway and looking forward to days on to days on the mountain.