Sorry the posting has been sparse. Been busy as all get out and having lots of fun on the side. Here is a very brief and probably boring update of some of the goings on:
Halloween is afoot! The kids have class parties on Thursday which I'm helping with, our Halloween party is on Friday - still have to finish costumes, make award ribbons and our video for that, a little party for the kids on Saturday and then Trick-or-Treating festivities that night. It's going to be a helluvaweek at sea, sir....
Finally finished my book and hosted book club, checked out our friends band down at House of Blues, joined some girlfriends on an impulsive attendance to Justin Timberlake (oh he's just as yummy in person, me thinks), caught the
Leadville 100 screening (fascinating), and went to U2 last weekend. This I will expand on a little bit (see below).
Scott and I also got mountian bikes and have gone out half a dozon times in the past two weeks. It's been fun to go through the learning curve together. It's definitely different than road biking and a challenge- but I've been bored with my fitness lately and am enjoying the change. Even if it is kicking my rear (for reals, yo). I've decided it's like an abusive boyfriend: I'm bruised and I curse and yet... (cue romantic fan blowing on my bike) I fall in love deeper each time and can't stop myself...when can I go again?
Here's a snap of JT singing to me. "It feels like sumtin's heatin' up- Can I be wich yoo?" LAY-DEHZ
So here is my small sum up of U2. Scott got tix and I didn't know until a couple of week before. I wasn't really that stoked to go (he knew this already so don't feel bad) but hey, he wanted to go so "I will follow". I dig old U2 but haven't gotten much into newer U2, and these mega-thon concerts are kinda annoying. But I also know that of all mega-concerts, U2 does go all out on production and knew it wouldn't disappoint. And I was right! Here is what the stage set up looked like before the show. I swear half the time they performed I had so many engineering questions and design curiosities enter my head. I want someone to do a backstage/behind the scenes show on that. I bet it would be wickedawesome. That black half-cone shape thing above the stage was a TV screen compiled of hexagon panels that stretched down into a funnel during the show (the next pic).
The colors and design were so so so impressive. I loved watching what changed with each song. And they did sound great and put on a good show because, hey, that's what they do so it's expected. It was a perfect 70 degree calm night for an outdoor show. Thanks, Scotty-man for taking me on a fun date!