Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Art Weekend

Over the past few weeks I have slowly achieved some small organizing feats within my house. It has been so long since I have gone through my kids rooms & playroom and it.was.time. One of the changes I made was I moved all the art/drawing supplies from the playroom into the kitchen area where we do homework. There were too many times we needed scissors, glue sticks or markers to keep running back and forth. Aside from convenience, a new perk is that my kids now draw pictures all the time. And I mean all the time. Also, new problem: I must find contained areas for display. Case in point, Luke has been using his door. This was too funny to not share. Do you like that hot pink school flyer he added?

Speaking of creativity, I had a sweet chance to escape to Salt Lake for the weekend and take some cool art classes. Scott willingly let me go and took care of everyone for the weekend. It was SO nice and fun and very informational. My main goal was to figure out how to do home screen printing (so I could decide whether or not to invest in the Yudu) and it was all worth it. Andy, our teacher, was extremely knowledgeable and thorough. The class was exactly what I needed. I'm so excited to try it out! I also took two additional classes- one on Scherenschnitte ('Sharon-shnita' so says my teach) which is paper cutting and it was fab... check out my teachers site here (I have some more examples of what this is in my art blog-amazing!) and another class on how to make complex patterns in Illustrator. Those were also each really great and fun. I came home with my own paper cutting and am playing with patterns already (note my chevron bird below). Tweet!
Aside from a good creative dipping, I also got to enjoy my family again and the beautiful season, even if it was only for a slice o' time. The weather was so temperate and the surroundings were very November. I stayed with Rich & Randi one night, we checked out Marty & Jess' new place a couple of times and I even got my hair cut. The trip was short but trés sweet. Thanks everyone for feeding me, putting me up and giving me rides.
Now I've got to get crackin' on some projects because GND is coming up!


- Tracy said...
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Jewels said...

"and I got to laugh really hard with my rad sis, Julia"

JENNIE! said...

im so mad I wasn't there with you! I can't wait to hear all about it

suzy said...

Okay...can you teach a class here on it??? I've tried to teach myself and it's so not working!