Monday, September 29, 2008

Yes, I'm That Shallow

Um.... these are seriously so hot. Plum croc? I need an occasion! The Bond movie premiere? Call Daniel Craig and tell him I am available. And I'll exit the limo, gracefully wrap my arm around his elbow and walk on the red carpet, smiling and then trip on the 4 3/4" heel, slamming into some paparazzi, tear my dress and break a tooth.
Yeah. Better not get them.

... I mean, it's not like the near $400 price tag is the thing keeping me away (holy cow!) or the fact that I can't really wear these to Costco... no... it's not that.... it's strictly for red carpet safety because I get those invitations all the time....


Tayva said...

No, see, you just grabbed the wrong elbow! The real man senses that you're off balance and quick-as-a-wink puts his arm around your waist and supports you until you regain your footing. The paparazzi won't even lose their 'photo-op' of your eyes from under those swoop bangs ("who IS is amazing new face??") unless. . .of course, they become distracted by your shoes. . .! XOXO Mommy p.s. You would make those shoes look GOOD

Jewels said...

I so wish I had something to top Mom's comment....but I don't.

Skeeter said...

those shoes are fabulous!! Very "Bond" Red Carpet!

Jessica said...

You know I could NEVER walk in those. Remember my heels "training wheels" we had to get in San Fransisco when I bought those strappy Kenneth Coles!!!

Belly Bones Scott said...

I wore those last year when we gave our Mother's Day sacrament meeting talks. They were kinda maybe that was the nude leggings I had on underneath my slacks.

the duffsters said...

AndRea! Hi, it's HD from church. So I'm ready get my ride on. What day can I tag along with you? Do you go on Thursday mornings? Ok, let me know!

- oh yeah, cute shoes! haha

Little Megs said...

The Bond premier would be a perfect occasion. But I'm not sure what you're worried about, Daniel Craig's perfectly chiseled arms and James Bond-like reflexes would surely save your fall.

p.s. You need no occasion to go to Costco in these babies!