Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fetching Cool Fashion

Is this not one of the most fun times to shop or what!? This season always gets me excited for new layers and textures. Some popularities I am loving this year are houndstooth, herringbone and tweeds. I know, it's not that uncommon for a 'fall trend' but for some reason this year it's a little more bold. Kind of vintage, kind of regal.... um, kind of wicked awesome!? And the guys have it especially good! I was drooling looking at Scott's GQ. (((Which we don't actually subscribe to but somehow receive a subscription and I secretly get excited when it comes because I'm actually interested in the cool way men should roll up their sleeves and such. And, well, I enjoy the well dressed----um, reading the articles.... ))). But seriously.... they have it good this year. Cool, rich colors and prints. Yes, professor! It's harder to find for the females but I am on the hunt.
And, maybe I am crazy, but I kind of want something a little Indian in style. But I don't know what. Scott rolls his eyes at this desire of mine... thinks I'll start wearing a feather headdress or something. But my Mom inherited some cool Indian jewelry from her parents when they passed away and I am craving some big, silver cuffs with red turquoise or something.... maybe a cool scarf? I'm not digging the tassle-y moccasins, though. Maybe if I had a fire pit in my back yard to hop around.... So! I know some of my readers are very fashion savvy and have cool observations and cravings of your own. What is your fall de jour?


Jewels said...

I too am loving large houndstooth prints and prep gear, very University cool, says me. I am a bit way on the Indian interest - a silver cuff and turquoise jewelry sounds cool to me, but...well, I'm sure you'll pull it off. My de jour for Fall? Hmmm, probably trying to find some cool boots. This HAS to be the year - I can't wait any longer...

anna said...

love the houndstooth...jcrew has some totally hot boots that would look amazing with this seater....