Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mom Ferea

Do you remember a while ago when Elliet lost her first tooth? And she lost it in the area rug downstairs so we had told her to write a letter explaining the unfortunate incident and all would be well.
Well, I am kind of a lame Mom because I wasn't very good at following up on this monumental time in life and we never got around to writing her letter. Even she didn't really care. But someone cared last Saturday night..... our babysitter. Yep. And Elliet wrote her cute little note and put it under her pillow. But guess what? Guess who didn't know about the letter? the actual tooth fairy... i.e. the lame Mom! And how sad it is to find out when Elliet morosely came to me on Sunday morning to show me that the tooth fairy didn't come because (as she presented the evidence to me) "Here is my letter.". Thinkfastthinkfastthinkfast! So I took her letter and read it and told her it was a wonderful note but it doesn't explain who it's for, so the tooth fairy couldn't come because she thought it was for someone else. (Whew!!) She was relieved, added the title to the bottom (do you like that fairy spelling? Ferea... It's like Fo-Real. She's writin' all 'wack') and we returned it to her pillow that night. Now, you'd think that this would teach Scott and I a lesson. It didn't. Oh we clean forgot about that letter and then Monday morning I walked in the door from my bike ride right as Scott was leaving for work and he asked me in alarm if I had a dollar. Oops! Thank goodness he has some great father talent because he played it so smooth.
Scott, enters her room and asks, "Hey Elliet! Did the tooth fairy come? Let's see!"
Elliet rolls over and remembers, her face lights up and lets Dad lift the pillow and pretend to "pick up" the money and shows it to her.
Oh My Goodness! Too much stress, this tooth fairy thing. Now I promise to write that dang letter the day those things fall out so I can be done with it. :-)
And like all good stories, they end with riding off in the sunset. This is close because it's what Elliet drew on the back of her paper during Primary class Sunday. Not bad, eh?

PS- ANNOUNCING MY ART BLOG! Who needs a big hoo-rah. Not simple me. The link is on the left. Have a gander and let me know what you think.


Jessica said...

This killed me!! You need to put a tooth alarm on your phone to remind you. That made me sweat... you were so close to not having an excuse. That note is priceless!

Tayva said...

How I loved this blog! (Thinkfastthinkfastthinkfast)---how like being a mom is this post; and truly, 'All's Well That Ends Well'! I was hanging on every word. Keep the note and the story for always! XO, Mommy

Belly Bones Scott said...

Just to set the story straight, Dad and Elliet did the note together, not the babysitter. Unless my new title is "babysitter" which I would gladly bear, as long as it comes with a silkened sash that I get to wear, exclaiming who I really am.

Belly Bones Scott said...

Now looking closer at the picture...I remember Elliet wanted to do a new letter because she messed up the 'i' in the word 'in' and made a 't' instead. So I wrote over the top of the 't' and made a dancing 'i'; "Look Elliet, it's a dancing i!" Can you hear the Disney music. Elliet is quite the perfectionist...if it's not right, she wants to start all over...but she did giggle at the dancing 'i'!

Little Megs said...

So funny! Just make sure your kids don't have access to this blog or the charade is over!