Monday, September 15, 2008

Things of Late

Things are finally getting into routine around here. The twins other preschool starts this week (hooray says Mom) and the kids are having a lot of fun. Elliet is still enjoying school and likes her teacher. I think I told you we kept the girls in dance and put Luke in soccer. He was so excited! More than I thought he would be. And he has taken to it extremely well. At the first practice he was just screaming at the fun of running around the field to warm up. I think it was a nice change for him to be with some boys. He's also picked up on the pushing and shoving....something we're working on since that's not part of the game. But can I just tell you how absolutely cute he looks in his wee cleats and tall socks? Oh dear it's so adorable I could eat him up. And when he raises the ball over his head to throw it in bounds, his tiny belly button peeks out. Of course I keep this to myself so as not to embarrass him in front of his friends. As for the real scoring and dribbling... that may come eventually but for now at least he's having a great time.
Speaking of great times, it's HALLOWEEN season!! And I have already been circling Target like a vulture waiting for them to stock seasonal swag. I am raising my children well because they were just as excited to go see 'halloween and push the buttons'. They love to turn on all those random automated novelty gadgets like shaking skeletons and red-eyed beheaded pirates. This year their fave was this great pretend mailbox that opens and a skeleton hands pops out. Is it bad that I like to see them enjoy the fun of the spooks? It's what makes H. so great!

And the last thing I wanted to post is this house. I forgot to include this pic in the previous post from our Lotoja trip. We went on a bike ride Friday afternoon in Logan, which.... wow, there are some beautiful areas up there! It was so pretty to ride under tall shady trees and open roads.... but up in one of the neighborhoods we passed this house and I circled back to get a closer look. Maybe a closet reader of my blog knows who lives here and can tell me when it's for sale? Great mix of rural and modern with outstanding views of the valley. Anyway.... very cool.

Soon to come. I almost have my creative blog-on-the-side ready to announce. I am excited about this new challenge to encourage me to DO more artwork and creative exploration. Are you ready to see me share some crappy artwork!? Me too! :-)

1 comment:

Jewels said...

I saw that mailbox at Target, but sadly Cache wasn't with me. Pretty sure he would have cried his eyes out, so maybe it was for the best! I can't WAIT for your design blog! I have thought of doing one myself, but I already know it will not compare to yours. My crafts usually include a bedazzler and Elmer's glue.