Sunday, August 31, 2008

Peach Me

I love peaches.
When I was a little girl, we would visit my Grandma in Mesa and she would thinly slice perfectly ripe peaches, add a little sugar and put them in a bowl, then place them in her really cold fridge to eat whenever. That fridge was so cold so the best part is they would freeze a little bit and get icey. Yum-my. Late summer peaches always make me nostalgic for her method.
Though they are the greatest au naturale, I normally only take advantage of them for the typical recipes like desserts, jam, desserts, ice cream or desserts, this recipe caught my attention and it is really good so it's worth trying yourself. It's called "Grilled Peaches over Arugula with Goat Cheese and Prosciutto". No mystery there...Like a preview that tells you the entire movie.
BTW-I tried the suggestion of cooking the prosciutto so it's crispy to add some texture to the salad and it was great. Enjoy!


Yennigirl said...

Oh man, I LOVE peaches. I can't wait to try this recipe. I made some fresh peach sorbet last week that was delish. Thanks for sharing.

Jessica said...

I miss you already! Thanks for playing so much with me this past weekend! Love you!