Friday, January 18, 2008

Park Play

This week we had some warm days so a couple of times I would stop at the park on the way home from school and let the kids run around. Again, caught without my camera as they all climbed on TOP of the train and would slide off over and over.
Bad side to this game is other kids see what they are doing, then want to do it and their parents get annoyed. Oops!
Now it's cold again so no park time for a while.


Jewels said...

My gosh, Andrea...your kids are so beautiful. Look at them!! I can't believe you guys can even GO outside, too snowy and gloomy here. This is why I'm stoked to see you next weekend in the sunshine!!

Jessica said...

I just had a laughing moment. The tree behind Sadie's head looks like static crazed hair on my computer. Very funny, especially knowing Sadie's personality. Love her!