Friday, January 4, 2008

Around the corner

'Twas the 4th day of January with gloomy skies here
When what to my wandering eyes should appear...
A sweater on Jcrew... and WHAT'S THAT I SEE?
Some bathing suit strings peeking out already?!

I'm not ready at all to start thinking about this...
The way I've been eating (the workouts I've missed)!
And then what!? The shaving? the waxing? the tan?
It's only January! So go eat some flan.


Tayva said...

Oh what a great poem! And I LOVE flan! (really? they're selling swimsuits in j crew right now? Oh, the pressure!)

Jewels said...

Close, but I believe it's pronounced "flawn". Hahaha, you're a genius. And I too have noticed the Spring Previews and Swim 2008 issues out there...what the?

Andrea said...

Juls, it was Flan or Spam. Let's see... which one is more tempting....
Cut me some slack, sister... :)

JENNIE! said...

I was just checking out the new jcrew myself... when are they going to start a maternity line???:)