Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fit or Fat?

We bought an Elliptical machine right before I had the twins. The idea was to use it postpartum since going to the gym would be unlikely for a while.
I never used it and now it's mainly functioned as a place for Scott to hang his clothes.
Until I get around to putting it on Craigslist, it has proven to be a useful energy vacuum for the kids. Like moths to the flame, they are like hamsters to the wheel (which... now that I think of that, why hasn't Graco made one?). Above: Exhibit A!

And below, Exhibit B.
Unfortunately you have to hear my dorky Mom laugh, but I couldn't help it. They can get going really fast...

And the last of childhood fun, another zoo escape in the playroom. This time it's a Geo Trax invasion. Everyone to their post! They are clearly organized and are moving in perfect formation!


Jewels said...

OH my gosh, why isn't there a kid hamster wheel out there? I love how detailed your kids are...all the little animals in a row...such an organized evacuation!

anna said...

definately FIT! so cute! i esp like how LUKE is telling Sadie to go faster!

Allyson said...

I'll buy your eliptical!
(friend of emily's)

Stephanie said...

I love the videos! Our kids love climbing on our elliptical machine too! It really is a smart marketing idea.
It's so fun to watch the creativity of kids and their toys. I think that's such a fun part of being a mom.

SSWS said...

Great Video! Your kids are darling. It's also fun to hear you voice in the background. We need an eliptical at our house!!!