Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back Into It

So, as I have mentioned, we got home from NYC and hit the ground running. Now I can finally announce what I couldn't before.
The week we left for New York, I was called back into the Relief Society Presidency. Yes. Back. It's been a year since I was released as 2nd counselor and since then I have had a lovely, relaxing time being the RS Chorister. I was seriously wondering days before how long I would be able to quietly hide there. So don't think. Ever. Because it bites you back! Now I am the 1st counselor and am stoked to be serving with three great women. Back to work! I love it so it's all good.
That Sunday we were gone, they changed all kinds of things up, like this new RS presidency, other auxilliaries and an announcement that the Bishop would be released next week. (!)
When we come back from the trip, we receive a call to meet with the Stake Pres. for Scott and.... he has been called into the Bishopbric (2nd counselor). He is thrilled to be serving with some wonderful men, both families that we love, and serve our great ward. Just watching him accept and ponder things this week has made me love him even more. He is such a great man and I love him so.
Amidst all this I had book club meeting (which you can read a little bit about here), and for which I tried this meringue recipe in the Feb. Martha. It was great fun, easy and tasted magnifique. Then Saturday I helped my Mother in law host a baby shower for Scott's dear cousin who is having twins. We (including his sister, Amy) each worked hard to make it special. I was in charge of a garland, helping with the cookies and some cupcakes. You can read more about the garland on Academe, but I was so pleased with the results. An idea that worked! My cupcakes... were not so beautiful but they sure were yummy all topped with cheerful buttercream. Hello, who cares what they look like when the frosting has 4 sticks of butter in it.
Now that book club is done, the shower is done, the offical Sunday announcement/meeting/setting apart is done, we have been able to breathe a little this week.
And today, it rains. I love it.
Hope you're having a great week.

PS- Yesterday was my Birthday and I dare not continue without saying thank you to all the phone calls, Facebook posts, texts, visits, friends who planned dinners and lunches (and you brave attendees with little kids!), gifts and treats and more from people who thought of me. I felt so truly blessed to have been shown such love. It was the best Birthday present for me this year. Thank you thank you! xoxoxo!

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