Monday, January 11, 2010

New Years (past and prez)

So, as tradition goes, the kids are out of school that entire week of New Years and we usually visit my family in Utah. We were so busy with family things the few days we were there that we didn't have a chance to catch up with friends this time (you know who you are! xo!) but got a good dose of family on both sides.
We saw cousins and siblings, went to movies, visited Temple Square (and froze our tushies off) and went sledding. Despite the cold, there was a great snowfall for two days which the kids LOVED and played in daily.
For New Years all my siblings (sans Julia/Cody) stayed over and we made a yummy spread of food and played the Wii until midnight (Lego Rockband is dandy-ho!). Great fun.

A new year is here. I am so grateful for the past lessons in 2009 that I learned. Trials and weakness are hard teachers, but I deeply appreciate the scars and healing process that teach so much. What a blessing the gospel is! It is such a necessity in my life. Good choices are worth the work and the fruits bring such joy. And now the year looks bright and fun. I am so thankful for my family, my parents and the great friends who have been there for me and loved me through my faults. Thank you for considering me worth it. I love our little family so much- what great kids and fun things we've done this year! And my husband is the coolest best friend ever. Scott... will you go to NYC with me and play? I can't wait to go soak you up with fun fun fun.
Now I'm done with holiday updates. Whew!

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