Friday, January 22, 2010

Misc. Mash

Elliet has already lost a couple of teeth...
But early November her first front tooth became loose. It was fun at first... then Scott and I could not persuade her enough to push a little harder, wiggle more often, etc. to further encourage it's release. During December it was seriously barely hanging on and would sit there and dangle as she talked. Nasty- I know, but she would not take it out (or let us). She adopted the name 'Snaggletooth Ellie' because anytime she opened her mouth to talk, you'd see this freaky protruding tooth... though we did some good laughs from that.
But FINALLY it came out right before school began this month. Clever Dad used her yellow kitty to 'look' at the tooth and the kitty pushed it by accident and just like that, it was out. Hooray! No more snaggletooth.

And since we're talking about mouths and, er, stuff... it's product endorsement time. My in-laws gave us an ice pop maker for Christmas so we tested that out and had great results. Frozen popsicles in minutes. They have cool little drip guards that snap onto the handles and the pops twist out easily. Just thought I'd do a little plug if you have kids and/or have wondered about this. Tested and approved.

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