Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cool To The Maxi

To Maxi or Not To Maxi... that has been my question.
Sometimes they are cute, sometimes not. They can be summery, earthy and simple (it also helps if you are 17 years old). I'll be tempted and try one on and then stink-eye the reflection of me in bright colored tiers of cotton blend. Too blah, too slouchy, too heavy... why would I want to wear something floor length when it's 100+ degrees anyway... etc. etc. etc.

And then... out comes this little Chevron number from Martin & Osa. So modern and cool! I immediately ordered it and upon trying it on, I am SOLD. Made with a very lightweight soft fabric that won't be hot or heavy and the shape long and flattering.
I love the graphic pattern, the colors, everything about it. Wahoo! A shopping 'win' that I had to share for any of you maxi dress fans.


Tayva said...

The only fashion rule I know of (for trends like maxi's and bell bottoms): if you wore it the first time around, you should never wear it the second time around. Since you didn't, maxi's are okay for you!! And this one is AWESOME. Better than the ones I wore back in the day. Sigh. XOXO

Viking CrossFit said...

I have SO been on the fence with these, too! I've seen them at the pool, at the store, at's like they are acceptable everywhere, but I haven't found one I liked. Until NOW! Stoppit. Can we be twinners?

Jewels said...

Uh yeah, that comment above was totally Cody. Totally.

Mindi said...

uh yes, I'm blog stalking, but I'll have you know, I saw JLo in this very dress in a gossip mag... H-O-T