Thursday, February 4, 2010

True Blave

February already. I was counting on that boredom, that lull, which settles in after the holidays but it never happened. We're already in month 2 of this new year. I don't have much exciting to post which is probably why it's been quiet the past week on the blog. I've been forcing myself to tackle some long overdue projects around the house, as well as some that have cluttered my office/art area.
One of said art projects were these linen hearts. I discovered something similar last year during our trip to San Francisco in a cute boutique and tucked that idea away for a year. Instead of thinking about another year, I just did it. Let's hope the new motivation will breed more motivation. After I embroidered most of the traditional heart sayings, I realized I should have made them all clever and sarcastic. Of course, not that this one here is sarcastic. It's true. At least I know a few people who would say that. Any ideas for some additional fun things to say? (You can see all the completed hearts on Academe)
Hope you're all having a swell and sappy February. Mmmmwah.

1 comment:

La La Land said...

These are so great! Here a few ideas: Cool Cat, In A Fog, Whatev, and Amore. Now you've got me thinking...