Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Kids In The Box

It's done! Scott's present has finally come to fruition. The built in cabinet is complete as well as some much needed TV/Satellite upgrades. We played around this weekend with some of the features and got in more Christmas movies. We even have ways to watch movies outside in the summer. Oh boy! Fun for the kids and adults! I think a night of "Jaws in July" will come to pass, complete with watching from the pool. The very dark pool. I know, sharks could toootally be in our pool... just humor me.
Now, another very fun thing about home improvement is it usually involves big empty boxes. I love big empty boxes. One word: FORT. I told the guys to leave a couple of the biggest ones and made the kids this "castle". It's a huge eyesore in front of my tree experiment (more on that later) but it's the biggest one we've put together yet. I taped it up, made some windows (drywall saws are great for this) and stuck some large pieces on the top to support our blanket roofing. It's currently full of random toys, chairs, a possible sandwich from lunch a few days ago....who really knows. Quite fun, though.
Now- my upside down tree. Do you see it? Oh, you do? Is that because you can't MISS it?! So here is my story (it's short)... Big tree handed down to me from my parents, unlit and must be assembled. It's had some good years with me but this was the year I was going to get rid of it. But before I did, I decided to try this upside down thing that has been done with some display trees. Has anyone else noticed this? They look so cool all dripping with ornaments or ribbons hanging down over your's like you are in the tree. So there is my attempt. And guess what it looks like? Um... an upside down tree. Yep. I realized at the end that I probably should have variated the branch lengths a little so it looked more organic, realistic, what-have-you. So I hope you got a good laugh from that strange sculpture. :)
Still some busy days ahead and things to get done but I'm hoping to have some time to work on my handmade gifties. Here's hoping the eggnog is strong enough.


Jeannine said...

ok, confession time, when I was at your house, I saw that tree, and thought to myself, "Andrea has to know that's upside down, it must be an arty thing" Now it all makes sense.

Tayva said...

Do you remember that I tried this with the same tree before it made it to your house?? Personally, I still LOVE upside down trees and I know exactly the kind you're talking about. Let's figure something out. Don't throw away that old sucker since some of the frame and branches could come in handy. I do have a feeling we'll have to build one because I've never seen one good enough to suit me!! I LOVE YOU for loving upside down trees! XOXOXXO

Jewels said...

LOVE the fort idea - my poor children...I totally have to do that for them! Cache would go crazy. You're a rad mom, that's awesome that you put that up for them. Hmm, I want a fort just for me...

oh snap said...

That fort might earn you a visit from me. seriously.