Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Sorry for my lack of posting the past few days. Lots going on...
Our house is currently under mild construction as we're installing new TV's and cables and receivers blah-blah-blah everywhere... something Scott has wanted to do for over a year (he says is now his Christmas present). We even have a spiffy new built-in cabinet going in the main room so if you see remnants of destruction lingering in photos, that is why.
I've also been moving files from my old computer to a new one (hooray for freelance work!)... my iTunes library alone took over 5 hours to transfer. That is normal, right? Toooootaly. PS- External hard drives are the bomb. They are, like, the new black. I have so much media with my music, photo's, etc. and it didn't even put a dent in my modest box. It's a great holiday prezzie for any techie you love! Can you see me selling this in a big 50's ball gown with white gloves? "Buy Today!"
In addition to all this I've been cleaning out more closets and purging toys...all this overhauling is contagious and keeps spilling into new areas of my house. I actually had room in my downstairs closet for hiding most of 'Santa's' goods. Nice. But you know what? These accomplishments come with a price and some suffering has occurred. Tons of laundry to do, I'm behind on gift preps and haven't started my Christmas cards yet. I also want to make one gift for each of my kids this year and Scotty.... um yeah... with all the time I have. This is what I do! I have a list of things to get done and I go dust the ceiling fan, remember?

Anyway, the pictures. We finally put up our tree as we had to wait for some of this work to get done before it could go up. I think the bottom half looks especially cheery-they put 3 or 4 ornaments on single branches. We're starting to bust out our favorite Christmas tunes, dance around and watch Holiday movies. I feel like the Christmas spirit is starting to settle in.

One funny thing I have to add so I don't forget.
In addition to Christmas music, the kids keep asking me to play the song "Move It" from Madagascar (I'm serious, people- the first one was okay, but the second one was hee-larious. Go see it). So I downloaded the song and they all dance around like monkeys. But there we were, me and the twins on our way home one morning from dropping Elliet off at school and Sadie is preaching to me...
Sadie: "Mom... when they say 'we like to pahty, pahty', he means it like a party, like a parade, right?"
Mom: "Yes, that's right...." (waiting for the 'other' meaning.....)
Sadie: "Mecause it sounds like he's singing "Potty potty" like when you...havetogotothebathroomMOMINEEDTOGOPEEPEE!!!!!!"

Dude. You have GOT to be kidding me. The girl hears the word and it causes a Pavlov trigger. Classic.


Jewels said...

Your kids are so cute - I love them. And Cache loves that song, too! I can't but sing along, that King Julien...catchy. Love the tree - where did you get that white ball garland?? Festive. I want to see pictures of your new cabinet!

Belly Bones Scott said...

I think it's about time to blog about non-potty things. Or you can retell the Leaver children chanting, "Pee your pants, pee your pants" story, where dad is inspired to perform.

anna said...

i have been thinking about getting an external drive, myself. brandon has one and LOOOOOVES it so much he might marry it some day. but i have other things on my christmas list this year. however, if you put on the white ball gown AND gloves i would be forced to BUY! for sure!

love your tree!! i always feel like i have toooo many things going on to make it all look like it fits on the same tree.

i can't wait for you to send out those cards, sistah! it's not like the snapfish family photo i will be sending...oh no! your cards are always a treat!

i wish we lived closer! keith is getting married in utah in february...maybe you will be there are the same time??? but maybe not. oh well, i can always put THAT on my christmas list this year.

merry merry!