Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Sorry I have not been updating as often but I am sure you all know why. Christmas preps and other drama. Much to do, much to do.
So I'll be brief in my update here:
I finally completed my Christmas cards, have done 98% of the shopping... now I need to get wrapping like nobody's business, get to the grocery store and finish my homemade prezzies. Good grief, Charlie Brown....
A couple of high lights from last week. After the snowfall I wanted to go ride the Red Rock loop and see it all dressed in white. I wasn't able to go until Saturday so most of it had melted, but I was surprised to still see how much there was. It was so pretty! I took lots of pics but will only bore you with one. :) If you squint you will see the area where I run back in those mountains. Looks coooold, eh?!
Last week also marked the end of School. Elliet had parties and all kinds of to-do that was crammed into Friday due to our "snow day". She went to school in her pajamas and was quite a sight when I picked her up with frosting in her hair from their gingerbread houses and candy stains all over her face. Sadie and Luke do a small Christmas program at one of their preschools where they sing and tell jokes. Usually I live the true twin odds where at least one is whiney, pouty or grumpy- but not this time! It was a Christmas miracle. They sang and looked rediculous, just as they should and it was hilarious.
Now the kids are out of school for TWO WEEKS! Fun? we'll see.

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