Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happiness Held

This is going to be a nonsense post... but I ran out of room on the twins bday post to add frivolity. Lucky you.
As I drove away from the party store on Saturday with my car full of colorful balloons, I began to think about how much I like balloons. I know, so silly to be post worthy but I can't help it. They are like little cheerful souls, happy to entertain by just being there. And when you roll down your car windows just a wee bit, they get all excited knowing the sky is beyond that small opening and can't wait to get out!
Did you see the Shins 'Australia' video where they get set free? SO great. So I wonder... why aren't these given away like flowers? Wouldn't you love a dozen adorable balloons from an admirer? Or even one of these blushing pink pretties? Maybe I am weird and it's a tacky idea. But these pictures evoke the spirit of what I am trying to share. Sweet, innocent and fun.
So if you are feeling blue, I suggest getting a balloon. That's all.


Jewels said...

I am so with you on this. When I lived in Vegas I celebrated my 20th Birthday. Mom and Dad sent a huge bouquet of pink balloons to my work and I was tickled, I think I got misty. They are so much fun, the evoke that whole feeling of whimsy. Remember when Dad bought us some milar balloons for Valentines Day one year when we were little? We each got like 3 or 4...I put them around my bed so that I was surrounded by them when I went to sleep.

anna said...

me too! me too!!

anna said...

kjrst was grapes for halloween one year...bunch of green balloons tacked onto her green turtleneck and green leggings. pure genius, people.

oh snap said...

I love that picture at the bottom