Thursday, April 17, 2008

Acting Our Age

So there I was two days ago, waking up and thinking about boring things I had to do that day.... and for some reason I got the idea to show this to Elliet. I asked her to come sit on the floor for a second and I went into the bathroom, drew on some eyes and a nose, took a washcloth and layed upside down on the bed and introduced her to it. She was laughing so hard. It was awesome. I sang her the ABC's and we talked about school.... and then we were nearly late after wasting time doing it. Good times.
Anyway, the twins missed it the first time, and this morning Elliet was asking if we could do it again so I got all of them involved. This is when all that baby time really pays off.
Next, fangs with the Cheetos at lunch?


Jessica said...

This totally makes me smile! I remember doing it when I was small... so fun!

Jewels said...

Classic - I love it!

melissa said...

You're the coolest mom ever!

Skeeter said...

So awesome! Memories!!!

SSWS said...

You are such a fun mom! Thanks for the great ideas. I love the birthday cakes and balloons, too! What lucky children you have!