Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I am ever so, really not well

Wow. Happy February to me.
See that little blue-top pill leaning on his big friend? That is what I have felt like for three days. I have been sicker than a dog. It is not fun. I don't get sick very often so I feel like my body makes good use of it when I do and the infection decides to have a party, invite his friends who bring additional symptoms and make a weekend getaway out of it. Up all night parties make my head hurt, the beverage consumption makes my nose runny, the fireworks make me cough.
Fever, achy, chills...the whole bit. Yuck!
I am finally on the mend so hooray for antibiotics. Now I have to get my kids well, fumigate my house, burn our sheets and drink super smoothies. Until then, things I love lately:
1) Health (duh)
2) Otter Pops. Yeah... for a sore throat, it's happiness.
3) Jeannine. Our family friend has been able to fill in as 'mom' while I have been in a fetal position upstairs. What a lifesaver!
4) Emily and Jennie for helping with carpooling. So quick to help. Thanks!
5) Hot showers


Tayva said...

oh, dearest! I'm so sorry that you've been sick---I hope you mend fast and feel like yourself again soon. Being sick is wretched. I love you---and love from your mom to all those who helped while you were laid up! XOXO, Mommy

Mark said...

:( I'm glad you are on the mend.

from that guy named Mark who is Richs' friend who you don't remember. :)

Jewels said...

Silly Mark. I'm glad you're feeling better! Sorry you've been so sick, you poor thing. Love you.

Jessica said...

I had know idea you were sick! So sorry but can totally sympathize with the fetal position! love you

Andrea said...

Marky-Mark. Do not belittle yourself so. I remember your happy smiling face from the good old days and appreciate your interest in my silly blog. Keep posting! :)

Stephanie said...

It is the worst to be sick, especially as a mom. I'm glad you have help with the kids. Take care!

anna said...

ah, is that a lola quote i am seeing?

so sad that you were under the weather! boo for you.