Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy February!

Last night Scott and I went to see the Bravery.... in case you can't tell by the HUGE sign behind the band.
I have happy memories listening to their albums during bike rides and road trips. Their style isn't some audio breakthrough, but I love their dancey sound.
They were touring for their second album (I like their first better- Scott disagrees) so we headed down to the House of Blues last night ready to have fun. I had already prepared to humiliate myself because I wanted to be up close, dance like a monkey and yell until my voice was gone. And oh yeah, check off all three of those puppies because I did just that. We were about 6-7 people back from the front and in the center so we had a great view of all the guys. WOW! Forget Botox. You want to feel young again? Go jump up and down with everyone around you as you shout lyrics with hands in the air. I'm still smiling, my neck is sore and my ears still hurt a little. Good times.

I've also been thinking about February and decided it would be fun to smother an already emotionally gooey month with things I love in my posts. So consider yourself warned! It will be similar to the November theme of listing what I was thankful for, but more shallow. I mean, I can't really say I am thankful for cookies, can I?

What I loved today:
1) Having Luke crawl into bed with me this morning when he woke up, smelling his clean hair and kissing his warm cheeks over and over...then I squeeze him until he cries. Sometimes I grit my teeth when I hug my kids. It's like they are so cute I can't handle it. I need a chewing stick.
2) Finding the hiking trail that I lost the other day. I tried to be adventurous and went somewhere new... and I got lost. And yes, as I was telling Scott my tall tale, he was bored because, well, he was looking at me, so how lost could I have been? And how lost can you really get up at Red Rock?... but still, it's never fun. So, I love knowing my way.
3) Scott for going with me to my silly concerts.
4) Sunshine.


Jessica said...

I can't wait to see all the things "you love" in February. One thing is certain... I love the blog you made me for Christmas. Who would have ever thunk I'd use it this much:)

Jewels said...

A chewing stick??? I am laughing right now, you are SO hilarious. I do the same with my kids, it makes my jaw hurt but I can't help it! So cute. And I can totally picture Scott watching you tell your story all bored. "...uh huh....yeah....huh, crazy."

melissa said...

haha! you crack me up! i totally love that you still rock out at shows and i will definitely have to have mitchel tell me the details!