Saturday, February 23, 2008

I love technology

So guess what I am doing... blogging with my phone! Isn't that cool? actually' it's not. My Internet went down this week... Down? More like broke up. Dumped me. Left me with shattered expectations and a bitter heart. So what's a girl to do? Go find someone more handsome, more fun, faster! So my mail- order man (modem) is coming next week. Hang tight, all my six readers! I'll return with nonsense soon.


Jewels said...

You poor broken woman! I'm sure you've been watching soap operas in your PJ's and eating ice cream. And I have a question for you - did I see a new blog with your name on it? Hmmm? Spill it sister.

And yes, in my world, banshees do roll over.

Mark said...

Hee, hee.

Jessica said...

Andrea- so sorry about the world wide web as Marty would call it. I have a question about Baby Einsteins. Can we talk?

Teresa said...

Andrea- hey it's Teresa (Cardon) Hardy. My little sister sent me you blog and I hope you don't care I have been reading your blogs. I'll be stoppin by to see what's happenin....

melissa said...

Oh no! What will the world be like without your entertaining blogs?! Ok, well when you get your new mail order man you're tagged, so go look at my blog. :)