Sunday, December 23, 2007

Santa and the Fam

Merry Merry!
Friday afternoon we decided to take the kids to see Santa.
We went to a new mall about 10 minutes away that had a special little house just for Santa. Waiting in line is always fun with young kids (:I) but they managed well enough. By the time it was our turn, Sadie did not want to sit near him at all so the photo became the whole family, not just kids. It's a good thing I showered that day. Ha! Plus, we memorialized another fun Elliet outfit combination. Snowflake tights! So apropos.
We love our kids and all their quirks. Elliet keeps telling Santa that all she wants is a horse stable. This is going to be a fun Christmas!

Last night Scott and I went to the BYU game with some friends. We had a great time. And now, we leave for Utah! I am so excited to have our family be with my family for Christmas. I think this will be the last time we do this for a long while. We are so blessed to have good family relationships and amazing friendships. I am grateful for this wonderful time of year, for it's magical giddyness and spiritual goodness. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Jewels said...

Merry Merries - come home for Christmas! Great family photo with the big man.