Wednesday, March 24, 2010

St. Patricks Day

St. Patricks Day is a fine little holiday but nothing we really celebrate much. Other than the green ensemble for the day or a little green food item, I don't do much. The day before (the 16th), Sadie was sure there was a leprechaun in the house. She said a door closed all by itself. And well, I ran with it. By the end of that night, I had all the kids thinking we could trap it. But my motivation was left to take advantage of what we could get our hands on right then and our trap was none too pretty. That's probably what made this more fun as I tend to think too much and over prepare.

We started with a box. But what to prop it with?
A salad fork. But what to hold it with? Something that won't let it slide....
A suede oven mitt! Now we need treasure. I asked them what gold we had? Only old Chuck-E-Cheese coins from years ago in the piggy bank. Perfect! And a gold bowl we can put them in!
Scott contributed an Scout award because he said the leprechaun will think it's special.
With the treasure bait set, the girls wrote notes.

Elliet was concerned there wasn't enough gold to fool him so her brill idea was to tell him if he knocked down the stick, more coins would fall. This made her happy with our plan and we left it for the night.

And then it happened. Just as I was falling asleep I got an idea. I snuck into Elliets room, found a little doll shoe (isn't it great they don't read my blog?) and made little foot prints escaping the trap using chocolate syrup. I tore the box, wrote a note with my left hand and went to bed.

First it was Luke who gasped when he came down the stairs. Then he woke up the girls and they all got excited and came to tell me what they found. Luke was the funniest because he was simply shocked at how small he was. "He's just so tiny!!", he would say over and over.

It was a pretty fun way to celebrate the day.


Tarahh77 said...

I have not read your blog for toooo long! Andrea, this is so stinking cute! Seriously. You have started something, something that may need to continue into grandmotherhood (is that a word?) sigh, I miss little kids.

Also, Scott is coaching? Like he doesn't have enough on his plate! You are BOTH amazing.

One last comment - I heard from several people how yummy your cupcakes were. They were a hit!

Okay I am done now :)

Tayva said...

Oh, I'm in love with Ireland all over again!!! XO, love, Mom/Nana
p.s. to T,A,K,E: I think 'grandmotherhood' should definitely be a word!!

Randi Patch said...

LOL!! I loved that post! I love how sweet and funny kids are. That will be a fun little tradition to keep going for a few years!

Yennigirl said...

Just so you know, you're the mom that all other moms hate because they compare themselves to you.

La La Land said...

I'm with Jenny. Best. Idea. Ever.

Kjrsten said...

this is brilliant! Mimi prayed all month long that the leprechaun wouldnt come and play tricks on her while she slept. aren;t they sneaky little guys!? But not as sneaky as us moms!