Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yes, please!

Um.... I want something.
My poor computer must know. I feel a little guilty as I type this confession and hope it doesn't retaliate by freezing up or something.
She's been good to me, my old tried and true G4. But my eyes are wandering and I am peeking at new models. I think I have had me lass for seven+ years. It's time, right? I pass the new beauties in the store but haven't really taken a closer look until recently. Blame my Dad. He gave my Mom a brand new iMac with a screen the size of an RV. The desktop is a beautiful image of the earth from outer space. Hello Major Tom! You can practically step right in there and start floating away in those vast 24 inches of monitor. And that's another thing... 24 INCHES!? That is huge! I have been sitting here with two of my rulers together trying to see where I would fit such a thing. Forget function. Me wanty! Donations welcome....

iMAC USERS-PLEASE ADVISE: I can order it preloaded with iWork. Looks like Apples version of MS Office.... which I have and have liked. Have you used it, liked it, should I get it or stick with Office?


Jewels said...

So you're going for the 24 incher, eh? I have quite enjoyed my...18 incher? Something like that. If you wanty, I think you should havvy. Another bonus? You can hide behind it when your kids come looking!

oh snap said...

Do et! iWork is very competent.. I would lean that way. I use Office all day long, and am starting to do my more intense spreadsheet work in Numbers. I've been swearing much much less.

Down with Office. Up with iWork.