Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Us, The Saguaro and You

Scott and I left on Sunday to New Mexico for a couple of days...
okay, not really. Are you kidding? We never go anywhere. :)
This is just the end of our Tucson pics that I wasn't able to POST until now. I also promised a little snippet from my fake 8th grade level Saguaro report so hold onto your seats!

First, the remaining deets on what we did.
Mountain biking on Monday. This was so fun. The only thing that was frustrating was not having shoes to clip in so my feet kept falling off the pedals (I got a nice whack on my shin to prove it). Great fun, though... I may need to pursue this a little more at home....?
Our last hike before we left on Tuesday took us up to an old house still standing with fireplace and all. Anyone want to camp?
It was really peaceful up there around the sa-HWUAR-o (C'mon... say it throaty now...)

And speaking of our prickly friends, here is a little documentation that Scott and I decided to put together during the trip. We liked how all of them looked like friendly cartoon people waving as you passed by, so this, dear students, is a small glimpse into the world of friendly saguaro behavior. It's educational! It's astounding! It's the beauty of the Saguaro.
Now, quietly observe.... or crunch loudly on potato chips- who cares!

The "Hug"
Awww, aren't they ceeeuuute....

The "Postcard"
Self explanatory.

The "Underwear Model"
A close friend to the postcard, but a little stuck up (Stuck! Get it?). These were few and far between, but pretty much close to the picture perfect example with no holes or cellulite bumps. Brat.

The 'Twins"!

The "Challenged"
I know. Sorry- A little PG-13 but Scott could not stop giggling and said I had to include this specimen.

The "Parent"
The Saguaro enjoy their children almost as much as humans. They can also be a handful and weigh you down.

1 comment:

Jewels said...

First of all - you're hilarious. I actually said "sahwargho" out loud a few times and felt pretty proud of my pronunciation. "I would fit right in", thinks me. And secondly? The Cactus Captions? Still laughing, I think the unfortunate leaning dude is my favorite! Good times, good times.