Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back To School

Back at school and back to work. As I resumed my routine of dropping off/picking up at the school I couldn't help but feel like I was just here. Summer went quickly despite the fun these three past months. But it's time. The kids needed routine back and I need to miss them again. The first day went well. The kids like their teachers and Luke & Sadie know kids in each of their classes making the separation smooth.
I'm still buried with a list of things I'm behind on, to catch up on, to prepare for and get on top of. Ugh. But I had to delay them a little more because my over-ambitious self decided, a month ago when the order form came around, to order two boxes of those delicious CA peaches I loved last year thinking {NOT thinking} that I would have time to bottle more peach jam this first week of school. Ha! What giggles! What jollies! I'm such a tease. I do it to myself, you see. But by darn, I did it. 18 bottles of preserves + sliced, bagged and otherwise later, I only have a handful of fresh beauties left without hardly any wounded soldiers to waste. It was good. I needed a creative/meditative release from responsibility, goodness knows.
Looking forward to the weekend at home (except missing my Dad's 60th!!). Scott and I are utilizing school tomorrow for a fun day date and then I have a Sunday lesson to wrap up. Don't you want my weekend?
PS- Some marvy new bands are posted. I'm in a little vintage kick and really enjoying these. And finally, Miami Horror's album is out. Finally something new to ride/work out to!

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