Sunday, May 17, 2009

May Weekend #2

I cannot express the fun accomplishment of having this weekend come and go.
I feel like a large hill of expectation has finally been summitted and the rest is downhill for a while. Because? Because the school play was FRIDAY.
The school play that I was helping to costume and prop. That school play is over! (I was up late Wednesday night gluing pretend muffins, butter and orange juice into Little Red's basket and wondering if it would ever end.)
Everything turned out so cute! My parents drove down for the weekend to partake in all the kids events. My Mom happily accommodated me to the school an hour before the performance where Jackie (A classmates mom who I worked with during all this and was amazing) and I got all the kids in their costumes, painted their faces, etc. It was cute to see them all get excited as they saw each other in character. After they were ready we returned to the multi-purpose room where families started filing in. Scott's parents also came. How cool for Elliet to have both of her grandparents there! Thanks Mom-Dad/Mimi & Bobba for coming. The show went well- no stage fires or backdrop collapses (exciting idea for next year?). Elliet received flowers from another student Mom for being one of the lead roles and that made her day. She thought it was so cool to receive an 'actress' bouquet. Here she is being "Ima Lonely" (the Mother who baked the Gingerbread Boy), next to her edible son, then Mr. Lonely, the Wolf and the Bear.
Later that night we went out with my parents for dinner and took them to the new Star Trek movie (worthy of it's own post). It was great to be with them and have a fun night out.
Saturday was the big dance recital. I had to take Luke to a soccer game that morning, so after those requirements and a little swimming (my Dad became the official pool kid-tosser), we got ready and headed over.
The recital was in an elementary school gym which was PACKED when we arrived. My Mom hurried the girls backstage while I parked the car and saved seats. This picture of Sadie performing isn't the best (she is on the far left) because we were so far back. But no worries- the whole thing was professionally recorded so that took the pressure off of video cams and zoom pics. The girls did great and I think it was good for them to see something through to the end of all that practicing. Now they have some pretty elaborate dress ups to add to the stash.We spent the rest of the beautiful, hot day having a family BBQ for Scott's Birthday.
My parents left this morning. It was a fun weekend but short! Packed with so much going on. They will be returning in two weeks so hopefully we'll have some more time to play then. But we had a super time while they were here. Great play, great recital and we're whittling down the weeks of upcoming fun.


Yennigirl said...

Those are so cute! Sadie looks just like you. Grace would never let me get her dressed up in such a frilly way!

Kjrsten said...

Cute ballerina dancers!

May is flying toooooo fast! I love it because if feeds right into summer, but that means another school year come and gone for the little ones and growing up and so forth!!

Jewels said...

Aww, remember when Dad was the official concrete kid-tosser? Good times. Busy weekend! I'm glad the play and the recital went so well. Good job on the costumes! And Luke looks so much like Rich in that last picture...he's so cute.

La La Land said...

Just caught up on your blog.. you have been B-U-S-Y! Those costumes are amazing!

Yennigirl said...

I was so in awe after reading this that I forgot to say, "WHAT DON'T YOU DO???" You are the ultimate mom!! You're putting the rest of us to shame! :)

Andrea said...

Jenny- How can you ask that question? Guess what- I have an answer. What don't I do? Two words: HOME SCHOOL. I don't know how YOU do it. :)