Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Tape Made Me Do It

I am so excited to share this that I have double-blogged (I put it in Academe but don't know how many people go there). I heard about Japanese masking tape months ago and have no idea why, but immediately wanted some. What would I do with a rainbow of colored masking tape?! I don't care. Just look at it! The colors are awesome and modern, nothing bright and weird. So I craved and desired in a blasphemous way and every resource I found was sold out. But NOT TODAY! I just ordered a bunch of it from here. Think of all the possibilities! Posting pics of my kids (on our huge wall scrapbook), closing uh... stuff, wrapping around my Vans...Shucks, I have no idea. But sometimes art supplies like this will get used in many places because I am just so stoked. I'll even post my first use to prove it was a wise investment. Anyway, Happy Tape has just made my Happy Wednesday!


Kjrsten said...

holy cats I WANT THEM ALL!

Jewels said...

What the what?!?! Must have. Will purchase. Uses? Who cares.

Tayva said...

Goodness! Don't use it, then you'll use it up!!!(jk)---I would horde mine (if I had some); I would just look at it and say to myself: "There it is. It's so great." (and it IS). . .It's enough to make you want to go rip something up just so you need tape.

La La Land said...

NO WAY! This is my friend's sister's company...great stuff, isn't it?