Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

This is late, but I wanted to wish all the great Mom's I know a Happy Mothers Day. A friend of mine was baking cupcakes the week before and said she was going to give them to some of the women that influence/inspire her. I thought that was a cool idea and wish I could have had the time to do that in honor of this day. Hm. I think I'll have time to do that in, let's see, July. So watch out, friends! I may surprise you with an honorary cupcake months from now.
It did make me realize how many incredible women I know. I don't know if I could make that many cupcakes. My Mom is obviously at the top. I am so grateful for her wisdom and friendship and love. My sister for the rainbow of fun she is, My sister-in-law Jess for her strength, endurance and faith, my Mother-in-law for her example and knowledge, and her daughters (my other sisters!) for their love and smarts. My friends!.... there are some AMAZING moms out there! The women in my ward impress me every week: At play group, at church, at activities.... people I work with at Elliet's school... friends who I have reconnected with after so many years and can keep up with via their blogs (Thank goodness they blog! (Thank goodness they are open!))....
I just felt really blessed thinking about how lucky we are to be surrounded by good examples of what we can be. If you read this, then most likely you are someone I know. And I feel lucky to know you. YES YOU! So, group hug. Fine. Group cheers, then. Thank you for sharing your talents, your lessons, your weaknesses and strengths because they help me want to be better.
OK- no more mushy. I did return home from our weekend to some loving notes and letters from the kids that their teachers influenced. These two cards are from the twins via Ms. Jamie. Can you guess who wrote what? And I am so guilty as charged because one thing I wanted to actually DO on mothers day was sit and play Star Wars with Luke. So I did. We cleared a new level. We are awesome. I know. I am pathetic.
Elliet brought home letter which read:
"The important thing about my Mom is that she cooks me delicious food. She makes food for me when I am hungry. I like it when she gets me books from the library and we have so much fun together on the beach in California. She draws really good pictures for me and I like it when she calls me an artist. Another importatnt thing about my Mom is that she loves me! She loves me because I was her baby, and now I am six years old. My Mom loves to hug and kiss me, too. But the important thing about my Mom is that she cooks me delicious food."

Awww.... good thing I cook delicious food. :)
Happy Mothers Day everyone!


Tayva said...

Happy belated Mother's Day to one of the best mothers I have ever known. I think 'cooking delicious food' is about the 10th best thing you do! You inspire me, too. XO

- Tracy said...

Andrea you are such a great mother, and knowing you makes me a better person. So thanks for always inspiring me! Happy really late Mother's Day.

Kristina said...

Andrea- I have loved getting to know you better this last year. You are such a fun person to be around. You totally make me want to be a better person and I am always happier after hanging out with you! You rock! Happy Late Mother's Day!

Jewels said...

Aw, a rainbow of fun? So true. You I love, you're tremendous - I would be lost without you. And your delicious cooking.

Yennigirl said...

Man! You scored on Mother's Day cards! I would love to get those! Hope you had a great one!

anna said...

happy mothers day to you, friend! should i be waiting for my cupcake??? heh heh. wish we were closer...boo.