Sunday, May 17, 2009

Boldly Go

It is a very good question...
What would James T. Kirk do?
I'll tell you what he'd do...
He would get his galactic rear to the new Star Trek Movie, that's what he'd do!
If you haven't seen this yet, GO. It was super-space awesome.
It has ignited a strong ambition in me to acquire a good vintage "Dammit, Jim..." Dr. McCoy t-shirt.
The retro Enterprise is very cool with it's upgraded features and sound effects and the actors were fab, exhibiting just enough mannerisms of the real peeps to make it fun.


the duffsters said...
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oh snap said...

Haha.. I call dibs on one of the dammit shirts.

Jewels said...

Saw it. LOVED it. Must go again.