Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yo Twinsies, It's Yer Birfday

So... Let's see...
Yesterday was April 20th. The twins Birthday is on April 8th. It was time for a-proper celebrations. I did consider throwing a party with friends but the Saturday before was so full of activities that it just couldn't be done. And kind of a bummer because it's the big 5. But I think Disneyland was a fun way to ring it in, right?
Anyway, we had family over for some cake and ice cream/gift exchanges last night. I was a bit swamped with my day and had committed myself to picking up a yummy ice cream cake to save some time. Guess what?! It's like eating money. I walked in there ready to buy and could NOT get myself to spend $30 on a teeny tiny ice cream cake. Ridiculous. Especially when the place is in the actual Albertons parking lot. So I dragged all the kids over there and had the twins pick what ice cream they wanted, what cake and what frosting (you can see who's choice won over the other- it's even pink cake. Poor guy, not that he cared a whit) and hurried home to bake, cool and frost it. Whew! We had such a fun time catching up with Amy and Scott's parents. We ended up talking until 9pm while the kids played outside. The weather was wonderful and I had opened all the doors. Amy gave the kids bubbles and the soapy supply was gone within a half hour. Then focus turned to hopscotch. You could hear Elliet outside teaching the twins how it worked and what the rules were. This morning, I found the following hopscotch designs on our pool deck with sidewalk chalk. You can see, Elliet was VERY clear about one specific rule. Oh, and the four squares all next to each other? Sadie showed me that move today. You land with both feet in the right two squares, and touch your hands in the left squares. It's a good ab twist work out. Try it sometime. and NO CHEATING.
Other than Disneyland tickets, I wanted to get the kids a little something more. I mean, hey, the got in for free, so that means I can still buy them a gift, right? So I let them each pick a new Wii game. Luke chose the Star Wars Lego game. Sadie a princess game. Needless to say, Luke and I busted out Star Wars first today. So funny because we didn't know what we were doing, and better yet, when I tell him to follow me down the space corridor, I have to/get to call him LUKE. Get it? Wah Wah.
My other splurge were these hand puppets. I couldn't make these for the price they are- and so well done! They have a stick perched in one hand so you can talk and animate at the same time. I must admit that the cop was my favorite but I didn't get him. I chose a king for Luke instead. And now I think I need to go back and buy the cop. He is just so funny-he has a cop-stache. The stories that form in my mind already make me giggle. Anyway, I didn't unveil these to the kids last night. I did it this morning... at the side of their bed. Did you ever wake up with a cheer leader waving at you and hip-hip hooraying your Tuesday!? Why ever not? :)


La La Land said...

Cute! Those puppets are to die for. I am obsessed with puppets.

Yennigirl said...

You are such a good mom! You must teach me sometime . . .