Sunday, July 12, 2009

June Finale

Oy Vey. What has it been...two weeks? I have lost track on when I last posted. Despite my idea that summer would be calm and I would have all this time to wax creative, relax and be fed grapes by Hugh Jackman, I swear the opposite has happened. I have come to a rude awakening that this will not occur until fall when school begins again. So we have jumped right in to playing like crazy. Gone to the free summer movies with friends, hit the library, played in the water at the park, etc. We have lucked out with weather this year because most of the month was glorious. The park? In June? Usually unthinkable. So we did as much outside as we could. One thing to note is I took the kids to the community pool which has a 'big kid' waterslide. Elliet was able to do it last year but the twins weren't. This year, they can. And they did. And for the first time I sat at the pool in a lounge chair and watched them from afar while they played and swam and went down that thing over and over again. It was a bitter sweet moment- no kids were hanging on me and I loved it. kids were hanging on me and I realized this was the just the beginning of them not needing me. Gulp. So I am glad we are doing so much this summer. This is why I didn't enroll them in too many things so we could just hang out. And hang out we have!
The weekend before the 4th, our friends Shep & Tracy visited from Utah. It was so fun to have them come down. We stacked the weekend with swimming, bike rides, shopping, sushi and Transformers (er... thumbs down, eh?) and glorious crafting. Tracy is such a cool girl and is always so interested in groovy things. We talked about gardening, crafting and cooking and she did some of it with me! Luckeeeee. We made whole wheat manicotti from scratch and she helped me sew these skirts for the girls. I've had the fabric for weeks, waiting and waiting. There is no way they would have turned out as well had she not guided the geek (me). They are some dandy friends and we loveth them. Thanks for coming, guys!
On the heels of this visit, we prepped for the 4th. Scott's Dad's Bday is July 4th and his Mom was planning a su-preeez which I can now blab about. As it was his 65th grandiose Bday, we stayed in town and partied down with the Leavers. Good times were had and lets hope I can get pics of the rest of our happenings up soon. I've only got a week to do it before more good times roll again.
"See you soon, freaks!" - King Julian


Jessica said...

I love the Hugh Jackman comments! See you soon!

- Tracy said...

I can't thank you enough we had such a great time!!! We love staying at Hotel de Scott and Andrea. Thanks for everything.

Stacey said...

i have been waiting for you to post the, love, love them!!! you're amazing!