Monday, July 27, 2009

J Really?

I really do have more important things to update on here. But there's nothing like starting off the day (week?) with a little procrastination. I will say though, that the UT was nice and I even wandered into creative mode which was refreshing to do again. So I promise: things of substance and circumstance to post here and in Academe SOON. Until then.... fluff, my dears... fluff.

I dig J-crew as much as the next girl but as many know, times come and go when they release something that does not make sense. I simply chalk it up to being some weird East Coast trend/culture thing that I shouldn't judge because I don't understand. I know we have them around here, too- like the bad t-shirt-under-a-halter thing that regrettably still exists. So when they embroider tiny crabs all over bright red chino's (for men, mind you).... I just figure that it must be cool in.. say... Cape Cod or somewhere or they wouldn't dump money into adding it to a new fall line.... right?
New fall goods are popping up and some of them are great- cool colors of their matchstick cords or sweaters.... but I need help understanding these and that is where YOU, my friends, can enlighten my short sighted fashion mind.
1) Lots of ankle length pants.... hmmm... they look cool, yes. But was a bit surprised there were so many. Is this a coming thing? (Anna & Kjirst- help)
2) These socks... oh these socks with shorts and heels.... please tell me they are not serious? Look at those pants. Is that all over Manhattan or something? Flourescent ankle sock/Blahnik combo's? Yikes.


Jewels said...

I sort of get the ankle length pants...sort of. But since it's just fuzz longer than capris? Just get capris, those are too confusing.

The SOCKS are ridonculous. Even the models are ashamed - look how they are standying pigeon-toed, hoping to hide the disgraceful wardrobe malfunction. It's not ok. I don't care if you live in an art gallery in Soho - not ok.

Tayva said...

I gotta go with Jewels on this one. the first 2 pics are pretty cool. A fit, young figure could carry it off. The shoes and accessories? Very nice. But the sock thing---uhm, I read MSN and the 'what the stars are wearing' and these are definitely a fashion DON'T. Someone in marketing is trying to lead a trend. Yeah, off the cliff. Don't go there. I'll bet he's already been fired. XO

anna said...

well, since you asked...
i like the ankle jeans as well. i don't do capris anymore. i finally decided that they were incredibly unflattering and i kept wondering if they were in or out every year. i do like the ankle pants look. but you have to be careful with balance of the top and shoes so as not to look stumpy.

as far as the socks with heels...i am kinda diggin it. i might try it. of course, not with short shorts. not for me anyway.

and i wear shirts under my halters, is that bad? i think it looks cool. no? hmmm... maybe i will post about it and ask the fellow bloggers.

La La Land said...

Paris, honey. They are wearing the socks in Paris. But then again, they are also wearing MC Hammer pants, too. So we shouldn't all do what Paris does.

Love, love, love the ankle pants, though.