Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today is my fabulous, amazing, funny, handsome, smart brothers Birthday. He gets a party hat! He is a Libra, doesn't like to eat the last bite of his sandwiches and enjoys sun bathing.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Richard. He is my kindred music sibling in the family and bonds with me in things creative and expressive. If you think I stretch myself in too many things, Rich is me + 7 Red Bulls. He is always going going going with his work as a producer, his car projects (the 73' Beemer2002 is going to look heeot), wakeboarding, photography, bikes and other interests. Just living. He is positive and so fun to be around and has the soul of an angel. Hard working, good natured and a heart that will make his wife very lucky. Rich! You are tops and I love you so much!

1 comment:

Jewels said...'s your Birthday, Reeechod. How I LOVE my little brother!! Much celebrating and punch I send your way...