Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Parties

This weekend was busy with Halloween Fun.
Our ward Trunk or Treat was on Friday night. I still don't have Elliet's Lion costume made (yeah... that's on my list today after I get all caught up here) but she was a good sport to wear a dress up. I compliment her compromise but there was still an issue: she wanted to be Cinderella and the dress up we had was for a toddler. She was happy after I told her she had to at least wear a shirt underneath it or she would have been 'Naughty Cindey'. You can see from her pose that she was quite satisfied. See that skirt? It's supposed to touch the floor and it's to her knees! Funny girl. Sadie was 'Chinkerbell' and Luke was 'Captain Hook America' (sans Hook). I'll get real shots of them on Halloween night but it was a good test run. After dinner inside we went outside to trunk or treat. The kids went around with S while I manned the car. Confession: I totally enjoy this, this setting up a spooky spot with music (Danse Macabre rules) and handing kids candy, making them talk like Darth Vader before they get a twix, etc. I can't wait for Friday night! It was fun. As soon as Luke had his bucket full, he plopped right down next to me in the car and set to work eating. This is always good surplus to hand out on Halloween night, too. Hey... reduce, reuse, recycle, right?

Then Saturday night was our annual Halloween party. I had some issues with our video camera so this was the first year we weren't able to make a spooky movie. And... it made for quite a relaxing day of! Usually I am editing to the bitter end so it was nice to not worry about it. We had a good turn out and some really great costumes. We tried a theme this year to go traditional so it was really fun to have the house full of mummies, vampires, zombies, witches, etc. These are a couple of our winners. Would you like to guess which one teaches the twins preschool? She's in the white heels. How awesome is that! I already really liked her... how can you not after she went all out like that? It was a fun night and such a compliment to have our friends attend and get into the groove. We had some of the best movie submissions yet (which I'll try to post soon). Unfortunately I didn't get as many pictures as I usally do and Scott was out of his costume by the end of the night so we only got one of me. But he did wear a dress, a wart and a wig. Now that is a confident man. :-)


Jewels said...

Oooh, you look RAD!! And I love the zombies - genius. I love your parties. And I must say that every picture of Scott at the TorT is the same...

Don't forget to take pics of your kids all dressed up tomorrow night!! I'm so excited!!!

Sara said...

Your party was fantastic! Thanks for inviting us! We had a blast!