Thursday, October 9, 2008

Does This Tail Make Me Look Fat?

It's been a recovery day as I unpack, grocery shop, wash the nasty car-trip wake out of my car....but one good thing about being out of my house for a few days is that the kids old, lame toys become fun again. Enter Halloween costumes from last year that kept the twins occupied for a good half hour this morning. Usually they have them all the way up to their armpits so they look like mutated sea monsters. But I had to take a picture because I knew Scott would love to see Luke like this.
Maybe I'll use this adorable moment in time for our Christmas card....
Don't you love Sadie's face? It's like she's so pleased with how well he's molding to her ways.


Belly Bones Scott said...

That's messed up.

melissa said...

hahahahaha! Priceless. I love how Luke has the pink tail, no less.