Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wall Ball

My kids have come to the age where the recess games infiltrate family life. The hand games with rhymes as well as jump-roping while chanting:
"Bubble Gum Bubble Gum,
Cherry on top....
Who's your boyfriend, I forgot...
Is it
C..." until they trip and name a classmate with that letter.
But the most apparent addiction is Luke to Wall Ball. He has been playing for months. INSIDE our house.
It's been fun to play with him because he's getting good at it. The things that make me laugh the most are the names of the plays. I'll be hitting back and forth with him and when the ball falls close to the wall, he'll call "Waterfall!". Or if it's hit hard, a 'bullet'. I've learned a plethora of terms: cross country, slicey, butt crack...(ahemyes, you read that correctly).
I wake up in the morning to the bud-dam, bud-doom, bud-dom over and over again or the slappy-slaps of the jump ropes.
And as much as it causes some headaches, it's the sound of active, happy kids growing up and I love it.

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