Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Give and Take

While we were in Utah, we fit in a quick trip to the BYU Bookstore. I love that place. And they have an awesome section of childrens books so I wanted to take the kids and share it with them. As we were all reading different things, I pulled this off the shelf and laughed out loud through the entire thing. It is so hilarious. If you grew up on 'The Giving Tree', then this is a must in your collection. I scanned in a few pages to share with you here but I highly recommend you acquire one of your own. These scans post small, so click on them to see full size (i.e. to read the super tiny text).

I skipped a bit here, now he is older and returned again...

passed a few more pages.... aren't you so curious now? (and hopefully chuckling)

Ahhh.... so great. Hope you enjoy.


- Tracy said...

This book, made my day! Thanks for the post.

oh snap said...

Hahahahaha, so awesome. I'm buying it for sure

oh snap said...
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Jenny Slingerland said...

LOVE it! ;)