Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Thanks to some awesome friends and their gifting of Williams Sonoma gift cards for my Bday, I decided to splurge on this weird egg waffle pan (among other things). First of all, I cannot walk into that store, no matter how dedicated I am to only purchase what I intend to (a cookbook, for example) and exit successful. I always end up with arms full of things I must have. Must. Things that are essential for feeding the hungry mouths that depend on me.
Like this waffle pan.
How fun to make these with the kids? And isn't that noble of me to think of the children with my birthday gift? {Think of the children!}
I thought so.
As you can see, we did make them and had lots of fun but mine are no where near as beautiful. Our mouths didn't care, though. They tasted like crepes and were perf with a wee dusting of powdered sugar. YUM.


Jessica said...

Andrea I have seen that waffle iron and wanted it myself! I'm glad you had the "means" to get it! I'm the same way when going in WS, I can't help but imagine the additions to my future gourmet kitchen!

Megan said...

These are way cool. I may have to get it.

Erin said...

Andrea, I have to know what paint color that is in your kitchen. Do you have more photos you could email me? I am loving it. I am trying to find a color for my office and my desk is a big huge ikea one the same color as your cabinets and then I bought a bunch of white shelving from the container store. Help me. I love all your pillows to!!!

Erin said...

Oh, my email is

If you have time I'd appreciate it.

La La Land said...

Of course you need such things to feel those hungry mouths! I have a problem entering WS and leaving empty handed. I see it as my duty as a "homemaker."