Thursday, February 10, 2011


Luke has these pages in his homework every week where he needs to read a simple story and answer some comprehensive questions. Lately he has been reading the story and answering the questions himself. Which is why I review them. He kind of, sort of doesn't comprehend that much when the stories are "boring".
This week the story was "Cry Wolf" but instead titled, "A Boy And His Trick", and as the story goes, he tricked the town people by calling "Wolf!" and they responded by running to scare the wolf, which was no where to be seen. You know the rest. Here were his answers (the last one is the best; the entire point of me keeping this memory):
1. What happened the first time the boy called out "Wolf!"?
The people in the town wanted to scare the wolf.
2. What happened the second time the boy called out "Wolf!"?
The people went to scare the wolf.
3. What happened the third time the boy called out "Wolf!"?
The people did not come.
4. Why didn't the people come the third time?
Because the people thought (he had 'thinked', which we corrected) he tricked again.
5. What lesson can you learn from this story?
Kill the wolf.


Jewels said...


The Andersons said...

Hahahahaha!! Oh my. I miss that sweet little boy so much.

- Tracy said...

I love luke!! Now I know Why.