Monday, August 31, 2009

New School

The time has come, people.
The twins started all day Kindergarten and Elliet is in 2nd grade SO! I do not have kids at home during the day anymore. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my kids. But I was not hesitant to send them off to school. Perhaps I should be one of those sweet Mom's who tears up at their growing up to fast or something, but having twins dissolved those feelings long ago. I feel like I've had triplets at home for years (As Elliet is so close to them in age) and I have been looking forward to this season for a looong time. But I did start to wonder during this last week of summer... will I come home to my empty house and actually be sad? I thought I would sing, but maybe the reality of it will hit me differently? As these thoughts were on my brain, I decided to put off getting school supplies/backpacks and smart preps to just keep playing with my clan. We hit the museum, went swimming, played the Wii and made forts.
Well, as usual they are in tow as we ran errands throughout the week...and it was like this:
-We stopped for lunch one day and I would get all sentimental and think... Wow- this won't happen anymore. They'll be eating lunch at school and I'll be all alone. So I then tell the kids these thoughts as they looked at me with mouths full of fries and spilling chocolate milk in the car....I tell them I'll miss them and that school will be fun and we'll have other good times.
Then we go into Target and they are running off in three different directions, hiding in the clothing racks, touching everything, shoving each other... and that's when I can't wait for them to be in school all day.

So here I am. At home in the peace and quiet and the time has filled up so far with lots of catching up things so I haven't had many moments of stillness to be too aware of the vacancy, but those moments come and I get excited to pick them up at 3:11.
Then they are shouting in the car, making messes in the house and interrupting my phone calls.... and life is as it was. Hooray for school! :)


Jewels said...

Am I the only one who thinks Lucas totally looks like Rich in that bottom picture?

anna said...

so hilarious! i have had these same thoughts. my two boys are much like twins and i think i will be sad/happy for the day they are both in school! will i wish for another baby then? oh, let's HOPE not!! and yes, luke looks like rich.